My Trivallis

Trivallis Shines at TPAS Cymru Good Practice Awards 2024

4 July 2024

Trivallis tenants and staff celebrated a significant victory at the TPAS Cymru Good Practice Awards 2024.

Trivallis tenants and staff celebrated a significant victory at the TPAS Cymru Good Practice Awards 2024.

The event, held to honour excellence in tenant engagement and involvement across Wales, showcased the innovative approaches being taken to include tenants and residents in service improvements.

Trivallis representatives attended the event and proudly took home four best practice awards.

Highlights of the Wins

Tenant Team of the Year: Tenant Action Panel

The Tenant Action Panel secured the first win of the evening, claiming the top spot in the Tenant Team of the Year category.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A group of seven people are standing in a line on a stage, holding plaques. Behind them, a screen displays "Tenant Action Panel - Trivallis" along with an image of a person and some text. The setting appears to be an awards ceremony or formal event.

Third Place Awards:

Involving Tenants in Shaping and Reviewing Services

Two tenant working groups were recognised in this category, highlighting their effective involvement in shaping and reviewing services.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A group of people stand on a stage in front of a screen that reads "The top 3 Finalists are..." Some hold a certificate. An audience sits at tables in the foreground, facing the stage. The room has wood-paneled walls, balloon decorations, and ornate ceilings.


Communicating with Tenants

The brand accessibility work by Trivallis also earned a third-place award in the Communicating with Tenants category.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A group of eight people stands together on a stage in front of a large screen displaying the text "The top 3 Finalists are...". One person in the group is holding a framed award. The background features ornate wooden paneling and a high ceiling.

Special Recognition Award:

GRAMO Service

The big surprise win of the evening came when the GRAMO service received the Special Recognition Award. Although Dorian Griffiths (Mr. GRAMO) was unable to attend, colleagues FaceTimed him into the event to receive his award and a standing ovation from the audience.

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A smiling man wearing a black t-shirt with the logo "trivallis" sits at a desk in an office, looking at the camera. a blurred colleague is visible in the foreground, facing a computer screen.

Emma Nicholas, Chair of the Tenant Action Panel, expressed her delight, saying: “It’s great to see the work of tenants being recognised, and how their time and influence is really making a meaningful difference to Trivallis. Being recognised for best practice means a lot to all of us involved tenants, we regularly celebrate and share our success internally, but it’s great to be able to now share that learning with the wider sector. We volunteer our time because we care, and this recognition helps us keep the momentum going and brings more people on this journey with us.”

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A man and a woman stand together indoors, both wearing formal attire and smiling. The man holds a plaque that reads "TPAS / Good Practice Award 2023." There is a presentation screen in the background displaying the TPAS logo and part of the text "Good Practice Award.

Duncan Forbes, Chief Executive at Trivallis, highlighted the significance of these awards, stating: “Winning these awards is a testament to our commitment to tenant involvement. Putting tenants at the heart of service delivery and ensuring changes are rooted in their experiences makes such a difference. Without tenant involvement, we would not be the organisation we are today, which is why we are being recognised for best practice.”

A big congratulations to everyone who won on the night, showcasing exemplary practices in housing and setting a high standard for tenant engagement across Wales.