My Trivallis
Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A woman with long hair leaning on a fence, holding a mug, with a Trivallis residential street in the background.


Being a good neighbour makes your estate a better place to live.

Sorting out problems

Even if you usually get along with your neighbours, sometimes disagreements happen. First, try talking to them—many problems can be fixed with a good chat.

If talking doesn’t work, write down what’s going on, including when it happens. This helps if you need to share the details later.

If things get really tough, you might need help. Here’s what you can do:

• For emergencies or if someone is in danger (especially kids): call 999 for the police
• For police non-emergencies: call 111
• For loud noise issues: Call the Noise Control Office at your local council (for RCT call 01443 425001; for Cardiff Bay call 029 2087 1650)
• For problems with dogs: Call the Animal Control Office at your local council (for RCT call 01443 425001; for Cardiff Bay call 029 2087 2087)

If you report a problem to the authorities, give us a call too at 03000 030 888 so we can help sort things out.

What can Trivallis do?

We have a responsibility to our community, so we take action if someone interferes with the peace, comfort, privacy or safety of those living nearby.

Contact us if you need help with problems in your neighbourhood. We will work with you and anyone else involved to resolve the issue.

Tell us about a neighbour problem