My Trivallis

Benefits of an online account

What does My Trivallis mean for you?
Well, you’ll have your housing information right at your fingertips, 24/7.

You can now do things like:

Getting started is simple

How to register

To register for your My Trivallis account, click on the My Trivallis button in the top right corner of this website, then click on Register.

Step 1: Enter your email address

Step 2: Enter your first name, last name, national insurance number and postcode, then click next. When entering your National Insurance number, don’t include any spaces between the numbers and letters. And for your Post Code, remember to put one space in the middle, like this: CF37 2SW.

Step 3: Enter your mobile number, then enter and confirm a password for your My Trivallis account. Click submit.

If your details match our system, we will create a login account. We will send you an email when it is ready for you to login. Please check your email. If you cannot find the email, please check your spam.

Once you’ve received the email, you can login to My Trivallis.

If the details you’ve entered don’t match, please email us on and we will help you register.

My Trivallis

Register now

How to log in

Signing in

To log back in to your My Trivallis account, click on the My Trivallis button in the top right corner of this website, then click on Sign in.

Step 1: Enter your email address and password

Step 2: Click on Send a code. This will generate a text message to your mobile with a unique code number on it.

Step 3: Enter the code number, click Verify code, and you’re in!

Video guide to using My Trivallis


Having problems with your account?

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales Two women are engaged in a conversation. The woman on the left is wearing a white t-shirt that reads