My Trivallis

We want to make sure everyone can have a comfortable and happy home without worrying about condensation, dampness, or mould growth.

We understand that these issues can be both frustrating and harmful to your health, so we want to give you some easy steps to follow that will help prevent them from happening in the first place.


If you do face any problems with condensation, dampness, or mould in your home, don’t worry. We’re here to support you.

All you need to do is let us know about the problem as soon as possible, and we’ll do our best to help you fix it. The earlier you let us know, the quicker we can work with you to fix the issue before it gets worse.

Keeping your home dry

Keeping moisture away is key to preventing condensation and stopping mould growth.

Here’s how to do it:

Air it out: Let fresh air in through windows, doors, and vents.

Fix leaks: Report leaks promptly to prevent wetness and mould.

Use lids: Cover pots when cooking to keep moisture down.

Dry clothes well: Use good airflow or a dehumidifier if drying clothes.

Wipe down: Dry surfaces after showering or cooking to prevent dampness.

Use extractor fans: Turn on fans to suck out humid air in kitchens and bathrooms.

Warm rooms: Keep your home warm to keep it dry.

Dehumidify: Use a dehumidifier if your home feels too humid.

Create space: Let air circulate around furniture by not placing it against walls, vents or radiators.

Keep clean: Regular cleaning helps prevent mould growth.

What is cross ventilation?

Cross ventilation is a form of natural ventilation that allows air to enter one side of a room and out another. Ideally, cross ventilation uses air-driven force to bring cooler air from outside and replace the stale, warm interior air.

Do not leave your windows open for extended periods of time as this will result in excessive heat loss, instead open windows for “short, sharp bursts” of around 15 minutes every few hours to allow purge ventilation, especially first thing in the morning to remove the stale air produced overnight.

Opening windows at opposite ends of the property to allow cross flow is recommended.

Did you know?

It costs just a few pence a day to regularly run your extractor fans. This is a small cost that can make a big difference in maintaining a warm, cosy and dry home.


Condensation happens when warm, wet air meets cold surfaces. It can cause dampness and mould. Everyday activities like cooking and breathing release moisture. Keep your home well-ventilated to avoid condensation.

Why is condensation an issue?

Excessive condensation can lead to mould growth, damage building materials, and ruin decorations. Look out for signs like damp spots and musty smells.

Spot the signs

Look for streaming windows, damp areas, and peeling wallpaper. Damp means wetness that’s not supposed to be there. There are two types.

1. Penetrating damp:

When water gets inside your home through cracks or other problems outside.

2. Rising damp:

When water from the ground floor moves up through the walls of the building.


Mould spores are tiny living things that are always in the air, even inside your home.

You can’t see them, and we breathe them in without knowing. But when they land on things and get the right conditions to grow, this is when it can become a problem. It needs four things: nutrients, moisture, the right temperature, and air.

Why is mould a problem?

Mould can cause allergies, irritations, and even asthma attacks. If you find mould, let us know. We’re here to help.

What do I do if I find mould?

You should treat any mould you may already have in your home then do what you can to reduce condensation to prevent it from reforming or spreading.


To treat existing mould follow these 4 steps:

1. Clean it up

Mould won’t go away by itself. Wipe it away with soapy water and make sure it’s completely dry.

2. Use mould remover

Get a special cleaner for mould from a store. Pick one with a safety number. Follow the instructions. Don’t use bleach.

3. Be gentle

Don’t brush or vacuum dry mould. This can help spread the tiny mould spores.

4. Report it

Let us know there is a problem and we will work with you to resolve it and prevent further issues.

Getting help when you need it

We know that damp and mould can be tough to deal with alone. If you can’t solve the problem yourself, we’re here for you.

3 steps for fixing damp and mould:

  1. Tell us about it
    If damp and mould are a big issue and you can’t fix it, let us know. The earlier you report it, the sooner we can fix it before the problem gets worse. This is especially important if you fall under one of the at-risk categories listed below:
    • babies and children
    • older people
    • those with existing skin problems, such as atopic eczema
    • those with respiratory problems, such as allergies and asthma
    • those with a weakened immune system, such as those having chemotherapy

If you or anyone in your home falls into these categories and you are experiencing damp or mould, please get in touch straight away and let us know.

  1. Checking and fixing
    We’ll send one of our experts to your home to see what’s wrong and figure out the best way to fix it. They’ll work with you to find the cause and suggest good solutions.
  2. Teamwork
    Getting rid of damp and mould is a team effort.

Remember, you can help stop damp and mould growth by following the steps set out in this guide. But if you ever need help, our skilled team is here for you. Your home’s comfort and your health matter to us, and we’re here to make your home a great place to live.

Financial support

If you’re concerned about the affordability of keeping your home warm during colder weather, speak to our Money Advice Team to find out how you might save money and access the support you need. You can fill out a contact form on our website or call the team direct on 01443 494560.

Report a problem