My Trivallis

Winners of our Winter Poetry Competition

11 February 2025

This December, we invited those living in our Trivallis communities across RCT and Cardiff Bay to showcase their creativity, thoughts, and experiences by entering our Winter Poetry Competition.

This December, we invited those living in our Trivallis communities across RCT and Cardiff Bay to showcase their creativity, thoughts, and experiences by entering our Winter Poetry Competition.

A big thank you to everyone who submitted their entries. We really enjoyed reading your winter themed poems.

Here are the winners:

Aged 18+

First place – Graham Thomas

In the Valleys, winter’s harsh embrace,

Brings roaring rivers to every space.

The storms of ’24, relentless and wild,

Tested the heart of every child.


Buckets were filled, sandbags were laid,

Through swollen streams, hope never swayed.

Neighbors stood in the icy rain,

Binding together through loss and pain.


Lights still twinkled, defying despair,

Laughter of children danced in the air.

Halls were warmed with songs and cheer,

Even as waters surged near.


Though the floods rose high and winds would swell,

The spirit of Cymru endured the spell.

For here in the Valleys, come what may,

We rise as one, stronger each day.


As dawn breaks gold on the year ahead,

We honor the love that 2024 bred.


Second place – Kevin King

The North Pole it is pointing away from our celestial sun

With shorter days and longer nights winter season has begun

In winter time when the skys are clear, especially in the night

Fingers of frost encroach ever nearer turning the landscape white

Jack Frost himself we cannot see but we know that he is there

Hats, gloves, warm socks and wooly scarves they are the thing to wear

On occasions when the season’s snow comes floating to the ground

Adults are heard complaining but the children can be found

With snowmen and in ice castles, tobogganing down a hill

Throwing snowballs, making snow angels, to them it is a thrill

But the night is quickly drawing in and soon it will be dark

Hoards of children coming in from gardens, hills and park

A nice warm bath, a steaming cuppa for every girl and boy

They tell their tales of magic snowmen, stories bring us joy

Winter time with all it’s drawbacks can have an enlightening glow

So make the most and battle through, Spring is on the way we know.


Third place – Benjamin George

Landlord Landlord


Moving home is such a scare

Lucky Trivallis is there.


Mental health is no joke,

It seems to affect every folk.


Landlord, landlord I’ve sprung a leak,

Don’t you remember I told you last week.


Don’t you worry we done it all

We set you up carpets and all

Have a lovely Christmas love from us all


Feeling inspired?

If you have a passion for writing, but poetry isn’t for you, why not writing an article for our website?

We’re always on the look out for a positive, community story to share. So would love to give you the platform to share a great news story from your area, written by you!

Send your article and any accompanying photos through to