My Trivallis

Enjoying the sunshine? Let’s make it a fantastic time for everyone!

Here’s how to throw the best summer party and keep things friendly:

  • Give a Heads-Up: Let your neighbours know you’re hosting a party. A quick chat or a note through the door works well. You might even invite them to join!
  • Choose the Right Time: Aim to wrap up by 11pm and keep the music at a reasonable volume as it gets later. Planning to party on a bit later? Just let your neighbours know and try to keep the noise level down.
  • Set Up Thoughtfully: Position the music and gathering spots away from neighbouring homes if you can.
  • Mind the Noise: Keep the music at a pleasant level and make sure everyone is having fun without getting too loud.
  • Food and Drink: Offer a variety of food and drinks, including non-alcoholic options, so everyone has something they like.
  • End of the Party: Encourage guests to plan their way home safely and remind them to keep noise down when leaving.
  • Tidy Up: Clean up any rubbish before bed to prevent pests and save yourself a bigger job in the morning.
  • Follow Up: A simple thank you to your neighbours can go a long way.

With these tips, you can enjoy a wonderful summer party and soak up the sunshine, all while keeping things pleasant for everyone around!