My Trivallis

Working together to make Maes Y Deri a Great Estate

5 June 2024

On Thursday 23 May, teams from Trivallis and RCT Council joined forces to clean up Maes Y Deri.

On Thursday 23 May, teams from Trivallis and RCT Council joined forces to clean up Maes Y Deri. They cut grass, trimmed hedges, cleared garages, and removed waste, marking the start of a long-term effort to create a safer and more welcoming environment for everyone in Maes Y Deri. 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales Two men in work attire, one wearing a high-visibility vest and the other in a black waterproof jacket, both with red work gloves, are standing in front of a construction site. They are leaning on a railing and smiling at the camera.

A Fresh Start for the Estate 

Debra Bayliss, Estates and Communities Manager at Trivallis, said: “The estate needed a good clear-up. Sheds were full of waste, making the area look neglected and hard to manage. We know tenants were frustrated. By working together with residents and RCT Council, we’ve created a healthier, cleaner place to live.”

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales An elderly man in a blue sweater stands at the door of house number 46, talking to a woman in a black jacket with a "Trivallis" logo. The woman wears a blue lanyard and ID badge. They appear to be engaged in conversation outside the brick house.

Three vans and a large skip donated by Pritchard’s were filled with rubbish and bulky items. During the clean-up, our teams and RCT Council members knocked on doors to talk with residents about what matters most to them and how we can support positive changes. 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A man in a blue shirt holding papers and a pen speaks to another man standing in a doorway. A woman with blonde hair stands in front of them, facing away from the camera. The interaction appears to be taking place at the entrance of a building.

Dean Vaughan, Streetcare Enforcement Officer, shared: “The day was a success. Our staff spoke with many residents, helping with waste queries and handing out recycling bags and food bins to encourage more recycling.” 

Members of our Tenant Action Panel and Neighbourhoods and Estates Working Group also helped with litter picking, waste clearing, and door knocking, fostering conversations and encouraging more residents to get involved. 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales Four people stand together outside, with a row of vehicles in the background. One person on the left wears a bright neon safety vest with arms crossed, while the others wear casual jackets and hold papers. The setting appears to be a parking lot or street.

Student and community support 

Pupils from Oaklands Primary School joined in, picking up litter and sorting it into different types. They even found a snail named Turbo, which they safely released back into the grass. 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A group of children in high-visibility vests stand in front of collected garbage bags, holding trash grabbers above their heads. They appear to be participating in a community cleanup event. There is a tree and some parked vehicles in the background.

RCT Councillors Julie Cook, Tina Williams and Sheryl Evans also joined with local residents in litter picking and removing waste, showing true community spirit. 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales Two women are seen walking on a paved path while participating in a litter-picking activity. They are carrying large green garbage bags and using grabber tools to pick up trash. The background is filled with greenery. Both are smiling.

Jen O’Hara Jakeway, Head of Community Involvement at Trivallis, said: “We met wonderful people who want a cleaner, greener environment and a stronger sense of community. We’ll be hosting a community catch up at midday on Tuesday 11 June at The Jubilee Road Coffee Shop. It’s a great chance to talk about next steps and work together to make a positive difference in Maes Y Deri.” 

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A person smiles at the camera while holding a leaf blower. They are wearing a green jacket, red-tinted glasses, ear protection, and a black beanie. A railing and a building are visible in the background.

Special Thanks 

Thank you to The Jubilee Road Coffee Shop for providing refreshments, Tom Pritchard of Pritchard’s for donating the skip, and Tesco Llantrisant for donating flower seeds to the school children. 

Thanks to everyone’s hard work, Maes Y Deri feels like a Great Estate again. This is just the start of longer-term commitment to tackling wider issues on the estate, so we’d invite anyone interested to get involved in the community effort to make a change.   

Trivallis Housing Landlord Wales A person in a blue shirt, holding a document, stands behind a decorative "WELCOME" sign featuring black owl figures. The person is smiling and appears to be in an outdoor setting with greenery and buildings in the background. The shirt has "Trivallis" printed on it.

Don’t forget, your Neighbourhood Manager, Hywel Morgan, is often in your area and holds a drop-in session every Tuesday from 9:30am-11:30am at the TRA Building, 16 Heol y Mynydd, Aberdare. 

Here’s how the day went: